OMNI TáxiAéreo is a company committed to corporate governance and believes that its values, integrity, security and transparency are fundamental in the business word. That is why it is a signatory to the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption and has a robust Integrity Program
OMNI TáxiAéreo Integrity Program is structured in accordance with Law No. 12,846/2013 (Anti-Corruption Law) Decree No. 11,129/2022 and aligned with the best practices of the market.
The Program goal is to prevent, detect and remedy misconduct and irregular practices that cause damage to the Company, such as bribery, corruption, fraud, as well as non-compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the Company's business, also considering environmental, social, environmental and governance aspects.
OMNI TáxiAéreo has a dedicated area to Compliance, which is responsible for developing the Integrity Program. The area reports the results of the Program to the Integrity Committee. Click here and learn about our Integrity Program.
The Committee consistsof the company's Board of Directors, reinforcing the commitment of Senior Management, and the Legal Manager. It is coordinated by the Executive Compliance Manager andthe Chairman is the company's CEO. Meetings take place periodically and only with the presence of the Chairman.
At OMNI TáxiAéreo, the Reporting Channel is called the TRANSPARENCY CHANNEL.
It is an exclusive company channel, it operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for safe and, if desired, anonymous communication of irregularities, misconducts, suspicious of violation or violations of our Code of Conduct and internal guidelines and legislation as well, relating to fraud, bribe, corruption, favorable treatments, and situations that involves conflict of interest, sexual and moral harassment, money laundry, among others.
Access the page dedicated to Transparency Channelhere.
Click here and learn about the Transparency Channel Policy
The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is to assure that Employees and Third Parties will meet the Anti- Bribery Act and Anti-Corruption Act requirements and the guidelines in this Policy, in order to ensure that the highest standards of integrity, legality and transparency will be used in all company’s processes.