Leonardo AW119

Nº of passengers: up to 6

Cruising speed: 225km/h

Flying range (without reserve fuel): 675 km

Endurance: 3h

Configurations: Passenger

The Agusta Westland AW119 Koala is a small helicopter with up to eight seats, powered by a Pratt & Whitney PT6B-37A engine and equipped for visual flight rules (VFR), developed by Leonardo since 2000 and with a maximum take-off weight of 2,850 kg. 

Omni currently has an aircraft of this model, branded PP-AMI, configured for aeromedical care equipped with an air ICU kit and regular passenger transportation. Among the main equipment, the aircraft is equipped with an oxygen system, GPS, transponder, air conditioning and a SAS system for stabilizing the aircraft.

  • Telephone
    +55 21 3478-1400

  • SAC

  • Address
    Av. Paisagista José Silva Azevedo Neto nº 200,
    Bloco 3, Sala 403, Condomínio 02 Corporate &
    Offices - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro RJ